"Dance Macabre"perfectly encapsulates a romantic interpretation of this short story, "Geraldo No Last Name." Marin ponders over this man's existence, a man who has no last name, who by all accounts, was a complete and total stranger to her. She states specifically “He wasn’t her boyfriend or anything like that.” (Cisneros), yet she keeps going on and on about this man that she doesn’t know. She was the last one to see him alive, and that takes a toll on her. I believe Dance Macabre from the Swedish band Ghost portrays an interpretation of this story worthy of its own literature. Dance Macabre was released on Ghost’s album Prequelle in May of 2018, and I found this song while casually listening to Ghost as they’re an incredible band with a wide range of music.
Geraldo No Last Name by Sandra Cisneros is a heavy contender for one of her best works. It has a thought out story given its short length, and the themes Cisneros writes with are heavy, and leave you with a sense of desertion after reading. It’s reminiscent of a folktale, or a story told by a relative. It’s short, but full. It’s full of everything an author needs a story to be full of. The characters are fleshed out enough for their roles, and they all contribute to the climax of the story in their own ways. This story was an MVP for me because of the haunting aspect of it all, especially when Cisneros sort of turns on Geraldo and calls him a slur that is used against her own ethnicity. For me, this story is something that can be easily dissected or enhanced through analysis, and that’s something I appreciate from literature or media at large.
Ghost's music has been described as foretelling, specifically with their album Prequelle, which tells the story of a plague infesting bodies and minds, being compared to the Covid-19 pandemic and being described as being a prediction of said pandemic. Tobias Forge, creator of Ghost, laughs at the idea that the album predicted the pandemic. The Swedish musician never intended for it to be a prediction of the pandemic, and is quoted saying: “In hindsight, yeah. But everything in nature and time and our behaviors is very cyclical." (qtd. in Hudak). In that album, Forge was dipping his toes into sociopolitical commentary, and while he's on tour, he certainly has opinions on American politics. Which makes sense, given his upbringing. He was raised on American entertainment when he was a child in Linkoping, Sweden. He cites the reasoning being that because of Sweden's proximity to the Soviet Union in the 50's, there was opportunity for him to watch the same shows American children watched. He states: "If you went to Sweden in the Fifties, there were American cars everywhere, jukeboxes, Elvis Presley, American films..." (qtd. in Hudak). Although he wasn't raised on any specific faith, he still is able to point out the humor in Catholic ideology and Catholic stories, and use their iconography to bring theatre back to heavy metal. Along with bringing Catholic images to his band, Forge has also fused heavy-metal, glam-rock, and power-pop into his music. If you listen to any of their music, it's very clear where the lines are drawn for certain songs, and the imagery used is very prominent in some of their songs, such as Mary on a Cross. With the title alone you can understand the main imagery pulled from Catholic and Christian ideology, and they form them into beautiful masterpieces.
I believe Dance Macabre fits perfectly with Sandra Cisneros’ Geraldo No Last Name. The story is perfectly macabre in its writings of how the titular character isn’t important in any way, shape, or form. How Geraldo didn’t matter, but not in just explaining why he didn’t matter, but questioning why he would matter. Questioning at all why the character Marin should spend so much time with him, when he was just a man, a man to dance with. It questions the value of human life itself, and puts the very nature of existence under the microscope in just a short, page-long story. Just like how Dance Macabre fits a romantic story of death into just a 3 minute song, and puts the image of someone longing for their dying lover into your soul.
"Dance Macabre" - by Ghost |
Macabre Dance in "Geraldo No Last Name" by Sandra Cisneros. |
If I could turn back the time I'd make all right |
, if the surgeon had only come |
I feel the closer we get To the last bow |
His name was Geraldo. |
Something within your eyes Said it could be the last time 'Fore it's over |
The ones he left behind are far away, will wonder, shrug, remember |
Works Cited
Cisneros, Sandra. Geraldo No Last Name, The House on Mango Street. 1984.
Ghost. Dance Macabre. Youtube. October 16, 2018.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Gr63DiEUxwLinks to an external site.
Hudak, Joseph. Ghost Predicted the Pandemic. Now the Metal Band Is Foretelling the Fall of Empires, Rolling Stones. March 8, 2022. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/ghost-tobias-forge-impera-1316885/Links to an external site.