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Cesar chavez - you cannot uneducate

Fig. 1. Cesar Chavez transformed farmworker rights and conditions in Imperial Valley. Many of my students come from farm-working families. Below, you will find a few community profiles that pay tribute to the parents, grandparents, and other family members that paved the way for our students to pursue higher education. This is what Cesar once said: Once social change begins, it cannot be reversed….

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Fig. 2. Did you know back in 1969, over four thousand farm workers joined Cesar Chavez on a march from Indio to Calexico? That’s one hundred miles through rough terrain and extreme temperatures. But these campesinos never quit, for they had a cause that was greater than their journey. They were fighting for the rights to work with freedom and dignity. “Si se puede!” I read about it in this book by William Vollmann. More than a few of these marchers just may have been grandparents, family members, or neighbors of my students.

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Fig. 4. Above: Candido and America in The Tortilla Curtain. This We Believe: In America, anyone who wants to build a life for themselves, they can do it here - if they work hard enough and have the determination to succeed. "I want one of those houses," America said. "A clean white one made out of lumber that smells like the mountains, with a gas range and a refrigerator, and maybe a little yard so you can plant a garden and make a place for chickens.... Was that so much to ask?" (29).

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Fig. 3. Above: The technology brings us closer together. It used to be like this: My students would write three or four essays per semester. They knew it. I knew it. The requirements for each essay are printed in the syllabus. I worked hard to create engaging assignments, but in the end, I just would never feel the enthusiasm or see the effort I was looking for. Students went through the motions. Writing for publication, however, changes things. When students realize someone beyond their teacher will read their writing, they appear to step up their game. They feel a greater sense of responsibility. They take ownership for their ideas. On Canvas, students write more, edit better, and revise more carefully. Since I have begun creating classroom blogs, I have seen an increase in both the amount and quality of student writing. Students spend a lot of time sharing their ideas on classroom discussion boards, and they contact me more often with meaningful questions about their writing. It’s more collaboration, and less isolation.

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Jay's soundtrack - joni mitchell sings Coyote

Fig. 2. Above: Joni Mitchell sings "Coyote." Below: Student musical selections for our Tortilla Soundtrack. This semester we all chose songs to both represent and celebrate our reading.

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Fig. 4. Above: The Hotel California. My students know this song. So do their parents. Most immigrants come to America in search of opportunity or freedom represented in the lyrics. The Hotel California becomes a symbol of an escape and/or a better life… but things are not always as they seem. The student narratives I read often refer to the constant struggle of immigrant life: the toil in the fields, the financial woes, the family separations. Many newcomers find life in California to be an illusion.
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Fig. 3. Above: Sample Classroom Blog Cover. Below: Classroom Blogs that Feature Student Writing.

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Fig 4. Above: One of Jay's Favorite Authors. Below: Student Book Recommendations

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Jays' sample - abstinence only education - cropped - black and white

Fig. 5 - Above: Many of my students research the causes and effects of our Teen Pregnancy problem in Imperial Valley. Below: To develop their essays, they choose from a number of writing strategies and patterns of development (Click on links to student samples). Here we practice DEFINITION.

Granny glasses
Above: John Lennon, who once claimed, "We're more popular than Jesus." Below: Students blend meaningful passages from their research with their own analysis - We call it a QUOTE SANDWICH:
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Fig 7. Above: The Death of Marilyn Monroe. Below: Students integrate summaries of their own research into their community profiles.
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Fig. 8. Above: Jay's "Coming Soon" Blog. Quite by accident, several of my classes are reading novels from the sixties, of the sixties, about the sixties. For me, it’s FUN. For my students, it’s like ANCIENT HISTORY. To support our reading, I assign sixties research papers. My students write about Civil Rights, Women’s Liberation, the Moon Landing, Cesar Chavez, Muhammed Ali. I let the students choose. It’s all GOOD. Below: I’ve selected a few samples of student sixties writing from recent semesters.
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